
Below are some of the testimonials we have received from young people and parents who have applied for scholarships through The Mustard Tree Foundation.

Miracle standing with her counselor.

A Miracle in Recovery

Meet Miracle pictured with her counselor, the awesome Heather in Charlotte, NC at The Insight addiction program! This is her heroic story of hope and

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A mother and son who found success in sobriety using The Mustard Tree Foundation.

A Mother and Son’s Journey

Why the Mustard Tree Foundation supports Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs! Another story of hope, why Enthusiastic sobriety works! Mother’s Day 2019, I found The Insight Program.

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More Success Stories from Mustard Tree Scholarship Recipients

“It’s amazing to see the difference in my life and have the excitement to know that my life can get better everyday. Now my biggest fears are not as worrisome anymore. I’m not afraid that I am going to be left alone because I’m now a person that people can love. I am so grateful to the Insight program for the happiness that has finally been shown to me and the love that I thought I could never have or even deserved.”

“I am 28 now, but it was at 26 I came to the Insight Program after a 5 week inpatient program…

Unfortunately, my financial situation made further treatment out of my reach. That is, until the Mustard Tree Foundation reached out a helping hand and offered me the financial help I needed. The gratitude I have for the Mustard Tree Foundation cannot be measured or overstated. My life today simply would not exist without the help I received.”

“When we got back to Atlanta, [our son] fit right in with the group. He met Sue Hansen from the Mustard Tree Foundation early that week and told his story to her. After that we all waited to see if he would get a scholarship so he could begin treatment. My prayers were answered, he was granted a scholarship within a few hours of his request. [Our son] was able to get the support of so many, the counselors, the foundation, the group, and his friends. Today, [our son] is alive and over one month sober. Everyday I see a better version of [our son]. Someone that is happy, sober, and learning how to live again. [Our son] has been a life- long friend and I want to live a long life with [our son] as friends, I am so grateful.”

“We were able to reach out to the Mustard Tree Foundation to get help. There is no way we could have done this without their help! We are forever grateful for the much needed support they provided to our family. [Our son] was able to go to Step 2 where he found love for others, and above all himself and his higher power. He returned from Step 2 a changed person, he had changed back to our son.”

“Today, I have 7 months sober and love my life more than I could have ever imagined. With the opportunity to change I was given, I have built myself into the person I’ve always wanted to be and I continue to grow and change everyday.

I wouldn’t have been able to achieve any of this without the Mustard Tee Foundation.

If you’re interested in applying for a scholarship, please reach out to us today. We would love to learn more about your situation and provide assistance any way we can!