A Mother and Son’s Journey

A mother and son who found success in sobriety using The Mustard Tree Foundation.

Why the Mustard Tree Foundation supports Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs! Another story of hope, why Enthusiastic sobriety works!

Mother’s Day 2019, I found The Insight Program. My 16-year old son had been using drugs for 2 years. I tried everything to help him, he tried too but nothing clicked, no other program had what Insight has. When we walked through the doors at Insight, we had 13 other tries at recovery, some voluntarily, others not. My son was unrecognizable, it was devastating, he was a prisoner to drugs. I was a prisoner in my own home without hope or the tools I learned in Insight.

It was the counselors, love in the group, learning to have sober fun & the genuine connections we both made that saved my son’s life from the destruction of addiction, and saved my life too. I’ll preach it from the rooftops of the transformation I have seen as my son celebrates over 3 years sober. We are pushing off from here!

The illustration of recovery is the daily walk, the light & happiness that radiates in my son’s eyes again & his smile. He is truly happy! He has come back to life in a powerful, integrity filled way. He is a true friend & mentor in his peer group & a productive, self sufficient member of society. Best of all, Our relationship has evolved to a new level with mutual honesty and respect guiding our way.

The Insight Program gave me the greatest Mother’s Day gift ever in 2019 & every year since- they gave me my son back, saved our family & ultimately saved our lives. A true and precious gift, forever!